Deal on 9/11 Briefings Lets White House Edit Papers
The Bush Regime has had its way. There will be no accountability for the massive security failures that allowed the 9/11 attacks. The buck, as usual, will stop somewhere south of Pennsylvania Avenue. At least for now.
The recent flap over the CBS Reagan movie demonstrates that Republicans want their leaders to be exalted beyond reproach. The aren't happy with democratically elected politicians. They want Kings.
Well they have it in their divinely appointed -- certainly not elected -- King George of America.
King George, who, on Aug. 6 recieved a briefing that terrorist were likely to strike the U.S.using hijacked planes and decided that day to go fishing, will answer to no one. Yet.
Bush knew of terrorist plot to hijack US planes
Bush Was Warned of Hijackings Before 9/11; Lawmakers Want Public Inquiry
9/11 Commission Member Sen. Max Cleland says "Bush Scamming America"
Relatives of Sept. 11 victims criticize agreement between White House and commission

WASHINGTON -- Faced with growing public uneasiness over Iraq, Republican Party officials intend to change the terms of the political debate heading into next year's election by focusing on the "doctrine of preemption," portraying President Bush as a visionary acting to prevent future terrorist attacks on US soil despite the costs and casualties involved overseas.
The strategy will involve the dismissal of Democrats as the party of "protests, pessimism and political hate speech," Ed Gillespie, Republican National Committee chairman, wrote in a recent memo to party officials -- a move designed to shift attention toward Bush's broader foreign policy objectives rather than the accounts of bloodshed.

Foreign Policy
More Progress In Iraq: CIA: Iraq security to get worse
From The Progress Report
Paul Bremer, the top U.S. official in Iraq, was summoned back to the White House after more evidence erupted that the Bush Administration’s Iraq security policy is failing. Specifically, CNN reports a new “CIA assessment of Iraq warns the security situation will worsen across the country, not just in Baghdad but in the north and south as well.” The report “was discussed during the high-level meetings” between Bremer, President Bush, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and a senior Administration source “said Bremer agreed with the CIA assessment.” Knight-Ridder says the report’s “bleak tone and Bremer's private endorsement differ sharply with the upbeat public assessments that President Bush, his chief aides and Bremer are giving as part of an aggressive publicity campaign aimed at countering rising anxieties at home over increasing U.S. casualties in Iraq.” It also “warns that growing numbers of Iraqis are concluding that the U.S.-led coalition can be defeated and are supporting the resistance,” a sentiment which couples with a Gallup Poll showing that “more than half of Baghdad's residents said they did not believe the United States would allow the Iraqi people to fashion their political future without the direct influence of Washington.”

Case for war made up, say top names
An unprecedented array of United States intelligence professionals, diplomats and former Pentagon officials have gone on record to lambast the Bush Administration for its distortion of the case for war against Iraq.
In their view, the very foundations of intelligence-gathering have been damaged in ways that could take years, even decades, to repair.
N. Korea fully nuclear, CIA says No doubts now it can detonate arms, Congress told
The CIA has told Congress that it now believes that North Korea has nuclear weapons.
Poll: Half of Americans Say Iraq War Not Worth It
Half of Americans, 49 percent, say the war was not worth it
Uncovered: The Whole Truth about the Iraq War Looking for a copy of the documentary that Voter Fund helped to launch? Go to
Lynch: Military manipulated story Former POW says rescue shouldn’t have been filmed
U.S. Drops 500-pound Bombs As Gen. Warns Iraqi's: America's top general in the Middle East has warned community leaders the U.S. military will use stern measures unless they curb attacks against coalition forces. "We have the capabilities and equipment."
Timeline: Bush and Iraq Pax Americana: The Policy of Preemption, Preeminence and the New World Order
This Timeline chronicles the transition to the Pax Americana envisioned in a secret pentagon document that was leaked to the New York Times in 1992. The document: Defense Planning Guidance 1994-1995 by then Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz and Lewis Libby , created a firestorm of controversy for its vision of U.S. unilateral world domination through military preeminence.
Using nothing but "on the record" documents and news reports, the timeline demonstrates the Bush administration's implementation of the vision set forth in that document under the auspices of the War on Terrorism, including a policy of preemptive attack, circumvention of the U.N., and the strategic agenda of securing, through military aggression, U.S. interest in middle eastern oil.

Dust Bin America This Flash animation lays out the right-wing war on our future in vivid detail.
This Memo Says it All
Republican pollster Frank Luntz outlines a strategy for decieving the public about the environment. In it are points on how to sell the public on arsenic in drinking water and how to make Global Warming less scary by calling it climate change.
Bush Guts Clean Air Act for industries
Once again the Bush administration demonstrates it's loyalty to corporate interest over the interest of average Americans.
The New England Journal of Medicine published a study that should devastate the opponents of a Single Payer Plan who contend that our For Profit Insurance system offers higher efficiency and quality. It does neither.
RESEARCHERS WHO prepared the comparison said Wednesday that the United States wastes more money on health bureaucracy than it would cost to provide health care to the tens of millions of uninsured Americans.
Why the US Needs a Single Payer Health System
Time for strong medicine Physicians for a National Health Program

- Federal Energy Regulators Find Widespread Abuse During Calif Energy Crisis
- Wrong About Enron, But Still in Charge
- FERC finds widespread power manipulation in California
- California files allegation of energy price manipulation
- Energy Taskforce Quick Fact
19 November 2003: (The Independent) As George Bush arrived in London last night, an unprecedented and bleak assessment of the deteriorating military situation in Iraq was circulating among policymakers in Washington.
The report - contradicting many claims by the US administration - is based on briefings by Paul Bremer, the US de facto governor of Iraq; military commanders, unnamed intelligence officers and David Kay, the American who leads the hunt for Saddam's alleged weapons of mass destruction. It says attacks on Americans by Sunni Iraqis will continue "until the day the US leaves".

Bush and Blair Agree on French Exit Strategy Just in Time for Election 2004, U.S. to Give Power to Iraqis Just Like France Wanted
Last year, according to Andrew Card, the new product was the Iraq War. Next year's new product? Getting out of the Iraq war. We can't wait to see the banner.
What Iraq will get isn't self-rule Bush and Blair agree Iraq exit plan to end occupation

Cheney ignored war chaos alert
In some of the first direct evidence of serious divisions between the key allies in the run-up to the conflict, the former British Ambassador to Washington, Sir Christopher Meyer, said the US had failed to focus on what might happen after Saddam had been overthrown.
His admission raises serious questions that a lack of planning by US forces is at least partly to blame for Iraq's present security problems.

CIA Finds No Evidence Hussein Sought to Arm Terrorists
The CIA's search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq has found no evidence that former president Saddam Hussein tried to transfer chemical or biological technology or weapons to terrorists, according to a military and intelligence expert.
No sooner had the Weekly Standard run its so called 'Case Closed' article yesterday (Sat. 15) asserting that a leaked memo confirmed Al Qaeda ties to Iraq than did the Department of Defense knock it down hard.
News reports that the Defense Department recently confirmed new information with respect to contacts between al-Qaida and Iraq in a letter to the Senate Intelligence Committee are inaccurate.
The press release goes on to say...
Individuals who leak or purport to leak classified information are doing serious harm to national security; such activity is deplorable and may be illegal.

Civil Liberties
...for the first time in our history, American citizens have been seized by the executive branch of government and put in prison without being charged with a crime, without having the right to a trial, without being able to see a lawyer, and without even being able to contact their families.
Click here to watch the speech. Click here for the text of the speech as prepared.

A Glimmer of Hope
Financier Contributes $5 Million More in Effort to Oust President
NEW YORK -- George Soros, one of the world's richest men, has given away nearly $5 billion to promote democracy in the former Soviet bloc, Africa and Asia. Now he has a new project: defeating President Bush.
"It is the central focus of my life," Soros said, his blue eyes settled on an unseen target. The 2004 presidential race, he said in an interview, is "a matter of life and death."
Soros said he had been waking at 3 a.m., his thoughts shaking him "like an alarm clock." Sitting in his robe, he wrote his ideas down, longhand, on a stack of pads. In January, PublicAffairs will publish them as a book, "The Bubble of American Supremacy" (an excerpt appears in December's Atlantic Monthly). In it, he argues for a collective approach to security, increased foreign aid and "preventive action."
The Bubble of American Supremacy By George Soros

War On Democracy
They are evidence. And as evidence, we believe they meet the requirements for Fair Use. And it is with this in mind that we make them available. It is in the public interest to do so. People have a right to know exactly how their votes are counted. This right is fundamental to our democracy.
View Memos Download the Entire Archive
How Diebold Machines Gave Florida to George Bush
Black Box Voting reveals for the first time that it was the Volusia and Brevard County voting machine anomalies that caused TV networks to call the election for Bush.
Grand Theft America
This Flash animation exposes exactly how George Bush was elected.
Chris Floyd: 'Vanishing act'
The American vote-count is controlled by three major corporate players -- Diebold, ES&S, and Sequoia -- with a fourth, Science Applications International Corporation, coming on strong. These companies -- all of them hardwired into the Bushist Party power grid -- have been given billions of dollars by the Bush Regime to complete a sweeping computerization of voting machines nationwide by the 2004 election.
Related Stories:
- How George W. Bush Won the 2004 Election
- UPDATE: Diebold CEO Committed to Delivering Election to Bush
- Massive Voting Irregularities Linked to
- Republican Controlled Voting Machines
- US election fraud scandal looms?
- Inside A U.S. Election Vote Counting Program
- Diebold Gets Caught Lying About Their Machines

Greg Palast, author of the New York Times bestseller Best Democracy Money Can Buy, does it again. In this jaw dropping video for the BBC, he exposes the underside of George Bush's rise to power in a way you've never seen before.
From dodging the Vietnam draft, trading of policy favors for money, ties to the bin Laden family, to the theft of the American presidency, this is the story of George Bush you won't see on American television.
Armed with confidential documents and never before seen interviews with witnesses, Palast uncovers a pattern of privilege, power and corruption that is nothing short of disturbing.
- Was George Bush awol in Alabama?
- What happened to the records of George Bush's National Guard tour in Alabama?
- How did George Bush make millions in oil ventures without ever finding oil?
- Why did George Bush order the FBI to back off investigating the bin Ladens?
- How did George Bush's ties with the bin Ladens benefit him financially?
Watch it Now in Window Media Format
Buy the Book: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy
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